Many people ask me about how do I get work, where do I find work, and how can they earn from home, so I will try to answer them in this post, First let me tell you about myself:
I used to find/get work from RAC (RentaCoder.Com), I did my first project on RAC back in September 2005, I got only one dollar from that project (I actually submitted 4$ as the bid amount, but RAC deducted 3$ of their ‘fees’).
Well, after that project I did some more tiny project for 10$, 15$, 20$, once I had good rankings and testimonials I started submitting bids on bigger projects, then I got projects for as low as 90$ and as high as 600$.
In September 2006, Two of my frequent clients on RAC contacted me outside RAC and we started working outside RAC. Since then I have only done 4-6 projects on RAC. You can click here to see my RAC profile.
Right now I have a permanent job at DirectorsAdvantage one of the clients I found & worked with on RAC. I was working with him as a free-lancer since July 2006, and as a full-time employee since October 2008.
Oh I forgot to say that I am a PHP/mySQL Web-Developer from Karachi, Pakistan.
So that was about me, now for you guys.. I don’t know many ways to earn from home, or even if I do know some I am not sure if they work or how they work. So I am going to write about the things that I have tried myself and have succeeded.
- Rent a Coder, the one I talked above, this was the most successful one. I will write a detailed post about who can use RAC and how to use RAC next (after this one I mean)
- Blogging, I had very little luck with this, but then again I have not tried sincerely enough ;d. (Read Light Within blog for more info)
- Entertainment Website, Maybe the most difficult, I have not earned myself much from entertainment websites.. But I know people who are earning from them. I have worked with ApniISP so I know the basics. You just have to give the freshest hottest content before everyone else. Keep updated with the news, something’s happening like Prime Minister Gilani’s Speech, Upload it first on your site, and share it quickly using Twitter, Facebook, DIGG etc, Some cool new song just got released? You already have the video? oh wow. UPLOAD.
I have only tried these three, but seriously speaking if you have some skills that can be used on projects available at RAC, you should go with that.. it’s way easier to earn by doing what you already know, and then again Blogs OR Websites can be created and kept updated in your leisure time. You can give it 2 to 3 hours (or even more) daily.. no?
Please stay tuned to find out what you need to know to work with RentACoder, and I will also write about a few things about RAC that I learned ‘the hard way’ (by losing real money I mean) .
Comments & Feedback will be highly appreciated and will also motivate me to write on this subject more.
(Please note: I am not affiliated with Rent A Coder, I have used their serviecs as a coder only, and I will not be getting any benefit by sending you guys to Rent A Coder except for maybe some duayen from people who will find it very useful and fruitful.)
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Thank you for this interesting post! Freelancing is a really good way to earn some money. It was of help when I was unemployed and I want to share with everyone this great job board: XPlace. It doesn't charge a commission from freelancers, has higher hourly rates than most other platforms and a large number of various jobs to apply for!
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