Detecting the install path for Microsoft Visual Studio from C++
During a recent project I needed to find out the install location of the Microsoft Visual Studio version a user has, in order to be able to run compiles from the command line, and run Vcvars32.bat to set up the required environment variables. Though there's enough information on the web do figure out how to [...]
SunGard CTO, Don Tyson, discusses intelliMATCH, parallel processing, and performance
Listen to SunGard CTO, Don Tyson, discuss one of their flagship products, intellliMATCH, which is a matching and reconcillation engine. During a recent profiling engagement with Intel they were able to match 50 million records in under 25 minutes. Parallel Programming for Financial Service - Don Tyson, CTO  SunGard Show #86, Date: 7/20/2010
Looking to get higher performance on NUMA-based Nehalem-EX system with MKL?
A new article has been published that discusses methods to get higher performance on NUMA-based Nehalem-EX system with MKL without controlling NUMA policy for shared memory. Check it out today! To discover more Parallel Programming resources and tools, visit the Parallel Programming Community on the Intel Software Network. Are you developing software for commercial use? Learn about [...]
Updated Device Builder for UPnP Technologies
I just updated the Developer Tools for UPnP Technologies. It's now at version v0.0.38, as always it's open source at For people that already have a previous version of the tools installed, the update should be coming using the auto-update system. This time around I fixed up the support for embedded devices in the C [...]
Develop Conference: Round-up of Day 2
Last weekâs Develop Conference at Brighton brought together developers from across the spectrum of games development. The conference covered a wide range of themes, from the culture of successful games studios to the best way to optimise games for particular hardware. With the ten year anniversary of Double Fine Studios coming up on 26 July, Tim [...]